
UltraSorb S is a swine-specific mineral feed developed to reduce the impact of mycotoxins and endotoxins.

Pigs are highly susceptible and frequently exposed through feed and bedding to many mycotoxins, mainly those produced by Fusarium and Aspergillus species.

UltraSorb S can transform and degrade a wide range of mycotoxins and protect against the adverse effects of toxin-forming moulds which may be present in the feed. UltraSorb S also has endotoxin binding capabilities.


The Challenge

Mycotoxins are one of the most dangerous hidden threats to poultry health, compromising growth, fertility, disease immunity and overall performance, impacting business profitability.  Compound feeds containing a mixture of grains, especially maize can harbour mycotoxins.  Bedding straw can also harbour mycotoxins. 

Symptoms of exposure include:

  • ​Poor growth rates
  • Immune suppression
  • Increased variability in slaughter weights
  • Reduced hatchability
  • Poor egg quality
  • Kidney damage
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Gizzard lesions

Mycotoxin Information


The Solution

UltraSorb S is our swine-specific formulation to counter the impact of mycotoxins and endotoxins. UltraSorb S includes highly adsorbent minerals to degrade a wide range of mycotoxins and their derivatives to make them harmless and biologically active yeast derivatives to transform and degrade the molecular structure of mycotoxins to improve biotransformation efficacy. UltraSorb S also contains Bacillus strains for improved mycotoxin degradation.


UltraSorb S Product Brochure

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Benefits of using UltraSorb S:

  • Preventative control of multiple mycotoxins
  • Transforms and degrades mycotoxins
  • Bacillus for improved thermostability and increased biotransformation
  • Endotoxin binding capabilities
  • Maintains and improves growth rates
  • Protects natural immunity
  • Supports good fertility
  • Supports overall performance and profit