
Bindercheck is a laboratory service where clays and similar materials, available locally to customers, can be tested in our state-of-the-art lab to measure their ability to bind mycotoxins.  Materials are tested using multiple different mycotoxins, across several pH levels to simulate the changes in pH during digestion, and across different animal species.

Binding, or adsorption, is only one of several methods of reducing the impact of mycotoxins though.  Many mycotoxins are unable to be bound effectively due to their chemical structure.  Volac can use the information gained using Bindercheck to make recommendations on how to formulate these clays with our UltraSorb Core to produce a finished product capable of dealing with the specific mycotoxin challenges in your area.

As well as producing a finished product specific to the animal species and mycotoxin challenges you are facing, UltraSorb Core is a sustainable option.  Blending our concentrated UltraSorb Core with binders locally reduces the volume of material that needs to be shipped around the world, reducing carbon emissions and improving sustainability.