Mycocheck is a specialist laboratory service that measures mycotoxin levels in animal feeds. Mycocheck is specifically designed for the feed industry and is accredited to ISO 17025 by UKAS.

The service can measure 12 different mycotoxins in a range of animal feed materials.

Mycocheck uses ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) for all analyses. We also use internal standards to ensure the most accurate results regardless of the feed material.

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The Mycocheck Process


Step 1
Collect a sample


Step 2
Package and send


Step 3
Laboratory analysis


Step 4
Receive results from 12 different toxins

Know your risk. Take control

This service goes beyond laboratory analysis. You can find up to date insights and information on the challenges presented to farming as a result of mycotoxins.

It is possible to reduce the threat from mycotoxins by understanding the risk they pose to your business.

Mycotoxins are a farm to fork issue, threatening livestock health, compromising growth, fertility, disease immunity and overall performance. Detecting and managing the risk of mycotoxins to livestock is a vital component of strong agricultural production.

Symptoms of mycotoxin exposure are varied. Click here for more information on symptoms of mycotoxin exposure.

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