
UltraSorb R Core is ruminant-specific premixture containing Volac’s Core technology to offer customers the opportunity to customise the product by including local clays. The product is offered in conjunction with our technical services, to offer local solutions for local mycotoxin problems.


The Challenge

Mycotoxins are one of the most dangerous hidden threats to poultry health, compromising growth, fertility, disease immunity and overall performance, impacting business profitability.  Compound feeds containing a mixture of grains, especially maize can harbour mycotoxins.  Bedding straw can also harbour mycotoxins. 

Symptoms of exposure include:

  • ​Poor growth rates
  • Immune suppression
  • Increased variability in slaughter weights
  • Reduced hatchability
  • Poor egg quality
  • Kidney damage
  • Respiratory difficulties
  • Gizzard lesions

Mycotoxin Information


The Solution

UltraSorb R Core is our ruminant-specific formulation which offers customers the opportunity to customise their mycotoxin solution to counter the impact of local mycotoxins. Through our binding analysis, customers can test the binding capabilities of local clays and receive advise on the blend of clays that will provide the best binding. UltraSorb R Core allow customers to collaborate with Volac to create a bespoke solution. UltraSorb R also contains Bacillus strains for improved mycotoxin degradation.

Core technology is also available for swine.


UltraSorb R Core Product Brochure

View brochure

Benefits of using UltraSorb R Core:

  • Binding analysis to find the best binding clays
  • Bespoke product development
  • Preventative control of multiple mycotoxins
  • Transforms and degrades mycotoxins
  • Bacillus for improved thermostability and increased biotransformation
  • Endotoxin binding capabilities
  • Maintains and improves growth rates
  • Protects natural immunity
  • Supports good fertility
  • Supports overall performance and profit