Ecocool and Ecocool Grain product image

Ecocool is for use on forage based crops and Ecocool Grain is for use on grain based crops (i.e. high moisture corn, earlage, snaplage) that are at risk of aerobic instability.

It combines two unique bacterial strains in one inoculant, Lactobacillus plantarum strain MTD/1 for improved fermentation and Lactobacillus buchneri strain PJB/1 for improved aerobic stability, giving you more better quality silage to feed.

Handful of grass silage

Mixing & application

  • Available for a liquid application only
  • Available in 100 and 400 ton treatment bottles
  • Versatile liquid application:
    • Any applicator – standard to low volume
    • Apply from  1.28 oz /ton to 2 quarts/ton
  • Tank mix life: 48 hours
  • Shelf life (unopened): 18 months  under refrigeration or freezer storage (40°F)
  • GMO free

Ecocool & Ecocool Grain brochure cover

Ecocool & Ecocool Grain Product Brochure

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Features & Benefits

•    Improved aerobic stability
•    Reduced heating and waste
•    Faster, more efficient fermentation
•    More nitrogen preserved as true protein
•    Less risk of mycotoxins
•    Lower DM losses