Advance Range product image

Advance is a range of silage inoculants that have been specifically formulated to produce the best results in silages made from grass, legume, maize and wholecrop forages.

Advance Forage Inoculants

  • Improve silage quality
  • Increase digestible NDF and crude protein
  • Reduce dry matter loss, minimising nutrient loss
  • Improve aerobic stability so less heating
  • Inhibit mould formation
  • Easy to mix and apply

Advance crop-specific forage inoculants are suitable for use on crops grown for livestock feeds and anaerobic digestion. They are also approved for use in organic systems.

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The Challenge

Ensiling is the most efficient and cost effective manner to preserve the harvested forage and feed animals all year around. Achieving effective fermentation is of utmost importance in producing high-quality silage. Lowering pH as quickly as possible is key to maintaining nutrient value as well as creating less favourable conditions for undesirable microorganisms. To maintain the aerobic stability in silage is critical as yeasts and moulds are major factors in aerobic spoilage.

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The Solution

Role of lactic acid
Advance contains two strains of lactic acid bacteria that reduce nutrient losses in forage by rapidly dropping the pH. Our own unique blend of bacteria in Advance optimises the speed at which pH drops after ensiling.

Role of enzymes
Enzymes unlock the energy from plant fibre and significantly increase the digestibility of treated forages. We include our own crop-specific cocktail of enzymes to suit the type of plant fibre you are ensiling.

Role of acetic acid
Our Lactobacillus brevis produces acetic acid which slows the growth of spoilage organisms (yeasts and moulds) in silage and TMR. Treated silage is more stable and consistent.

Role of microbial stimulants
The bacteria in Advance inoculants are in a dormant state and need activating when applied to forage. Our specific stimulants do this and provide a boost to the inoculants.

Benefits of using Advance

  • Improves silage quality
  • Prevents silage spoilage
  • Maintains silage nutritional value
  • Forage specific solutions